<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ce892ad5-a1aa-4ba1-8786-b0d696a80fd1/461c0e1c-4b40-49ed-bf3e-8e46f6c964e7/Screenshot_2023-01-11_204920.jpg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ce892ad5-a1aa-4ba1-8786-b0d696a80fd1/461c0e1c-4b40-49ed-bf3e-8e46f6c964e7/Screenshot_2023-01-11_204920.jpg" width="40px" /> Quality Assurance Bootcamp and Services

Who Us?

Welcome to Test Aplikasi Kamu

A company focused on application development services, particularly in application testing. We officially started our journey on December 2, 2020.

Founded by a passionate individual who saw significant opportunities in the IT development (SDLC) field for the next 5 years, especially in the Testing Phase, with a focus on Quality Assurance. Originating from the desire to share experiences from university through the QA job desk, the Founder initiated a free webinar titled 'What is QA?' on LinkedIn. After receiving a positive response, particularly from participants interested in Edu Tech, we began planning the next webinar with the theme 'Quick and Effective Testing Techniques.'

The success of the second webinar propelled us to the next step. This led to the idea of becoming a Mentor in Manual QA, collaborating with colleagues for Automation QA Mentoring, ultimately giving rise to Test Aplikasi Kamu.

Test Aplikasi Kamu - Test Applications, Feel the Success! Join us on this enjoyable and meaningful journey of application testing. Let's test together, progress together!

Vision :

Being the First in Application Testing from Inception to Launch, Introducing and Appreciating the Tester Profession

Mission :

  1. Bridging the Technology Language: Becoming the translator of technological language, explaining application testing without complex terminology, so that it can be understood by everyone.
  2. Testing Together, Progressing Together: Inviting everyone to learn and grow together through application testing.
  3. Stay Fun, Without Complications: Presenting application testing information in an entertaining and easily understandable manner.
  4. Light Guides, Maximum Results: Providing lightweight application testing guides that deliver optimal results.
  5. Limitless Collaboration: Opening the door for collaboration from various backgrounds, without skill limitations.
  6. Success Stories from Various Professions: Sharing successful application testing stories from various professions, inspiring individuals from diverse backgrounds to participate.
  7. Loyal Learning Companion: Being a loyal learning companion in the world of application testing, always ready to assist and provide support through friendly and entertaining content.

Let’s connect on Social Media or maybe work together would be fun 😁

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ce892ad5-a1aa-4ba1-8786-b0d696a80fd1/c7ec3178-e426-4104-aad2-7665d44f1b12/281769.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ce892ad5-a1aa-4ba1-8786-b0d696a80fd1/c7ec3178-e426-4104-aad2-7665d44f1b12/281769.png" width="40px" /> Work With Me


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Our Services


Bootcamp Quality Assurance

Exchange Your Career Into QA Engineer is a tutoring service or so-called bootcamp in order to be able to switch to the world of QA or deepen the basic fundamentals. So that we can help students with Non-IT or IT backgrounds understand the learning material and are ready to go to work as QA Junior


Webinar Quality Assurance

Webinar Quality Assurance is a seminar service with the topic of Quality Assurance discussion conducted online. The choice of topics is very varied and can be discussed


Quality Assurance Services

Project service to assist companies in the development period, especially the testing phase with the Waterfall or Agile framework. We will help maintain the quality of products made for users by initiating a plan within a minimum period of 1 week


Consultation 1 on 1 Quality Assurance

Consultation 1 On 1 Quality Assurance is a 1 on 1 consulting service with unlimited QA topics with experienced counselors

Featured Project

Our Testimonial

"Test Aplikasi Kamu did manual testing carefully and detail. They did finding bugs more detail than our tester. They did a great job.” - Faqih Amruddin Yusuf- Project Manager - Astronacci

"Dapat menyelesaikan testing sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan standar Quality Testing, itupun dalam kurun waktu yang menurut saya pribadi cukup cepat sehingga jika ditemukan kendala saat quality testing dapat terselesaikan dengan cepat, termasuk kendala yang diluar ekspektasi atau non-expected bugs.” - M. Afief Farista

"Good at the job. Bisa kepikiran kemungkinan2 case yang bisa menyebabkan bugs dari sisi flow journey. User centered minded” - Petrus Eric

"Edukasi materinya seru,asik,dan mudah difahami bagi orang awam, dengan mentornya yang ramah dan sangat menyenangkan untuk sharing. Bagi saya selama mengikuti kelas online @testaplikasikamu saya jadi faham dan tau cara QA & QC sebuah produk yang benar dilatih dengan teori & praktek secara langsung dan diberi arahan juga untuk mengatasi suatu masalah kedepannya“ - Rezha Sachriant

"Good mentor. She taught me how to be manual tester, she’s details and always tells everything about QA based on real experiences in company. She likes to share her journey as an QA Engineer and her knowledges” - Karin Krishna Febianda

"Mentor mengajarkan tentang QA dengan detail, jelas dan memuaskan. Tugas yang diberikan juga membuat kita belajar terkait QA itu sendiri, terima kasih kak rivita” - Ex Student Test Aplikasi Kamu

"Penyampaian materinya cukup jelas, dan setiap tugas yang diberikan selalu mendapat feedbacknya juga jd tau salah & kurangnya ada di bagian mana.” - Ex Student Test Aplikasi Kamu

"Sangat baik memberikan materi dan pembelajaran dengan jelas disertai contohnya, fast respon. Looking forward to learn more about QA with my mentor ka Rivita” - Ex Student Test Aplikasi Kamu